Principles and Practices that Inform our Work and Interactions
- Recognize personal and communal integrity and validate people and ideas with respectful engagement.
- Recognize the inherent value, worth, and dignity of all people and invite them to join in our work and community.
- Create a welcoming environment for all who enter our community.
- Listen, learn, and unlearn by perspective-taking that is grounded in empathy and compassion.
- Make space for ambiguity and complexity without the need to oversimplify answers to difficult questions.
- Acknowledge our limitations, failures, and lack of knowledge in ways that invite further inquiry and expand our understanding.
- Engage one another with trust that all are capable and strive to do and be at their best.
- Invite one another to be together in active community building and a dynamic, ongoing dialogue.
- Acknowledge pain, conflict, and failure in order to hold difficult conversations that offer the possibility of reconciliation and healing.