February 05, 2016
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
The Humanistic Management Network (HMN) invites interested POS scholars and practitioners to participate in the “Necessary Conversations” research forum. The forum focuses on ideas related to organizational practices that foster and promote human well-being in organizations and among societal stakeholders. The forum is facilitated every 1-2 months via global conference call around a topic of mutual interest.
The next forum topic Necessary Conversations: Organizing for Well-Being – Perspectives for Theory, Pedagogy, and Practice will be discussed on Friday, February 5 from 12:00-1:00 p.m. EST.
If you are interested in participating in this or future conversations, please email Deborah CasserĂ (cassera.deborah@gmail.com) to be added to the Necessary Conversations mailing list and receive call-in logistics. We welcome your participation!
For the February 5 conversation, HMN members and friends will discuss how “Organizing for Well-Being” can provide novel and empowering perspectives for better business research, teaching, and practice. The call will include 3-4 short and informal presentations with Q&A that provide different perspectives and insights on organizing for well-being.
For information on HMN, please visit our website.