March 15, 2016

4:00-5:00 PM

Reception Immediately Following

The Colloquium, 6th Floor, Ross Building, Stephen M. Ross School of Business

Click here to watch the video

Session Description: Want to make a difference in your organization? In this session, Jerry Davis and Chris White (authors of Changing Your Company From the Inside Out) will provide a framework for advancing the initiatives that are important to you, your company, and the world.

Jerry Davis received his Ph.D. from the Graduate School of Business at Stanford University and taught at Northwestern and Columbia before moving to the University of Michigan, where he is the Wilbur K. Pierpont Collegiate Professor of Management and of Sociology. He has published widely in management, sociology, and finance. Books include Social Movements and Organization Theory (Cambridge University Press, 2005); Organizations and Organizing (Pearson Prentice Hall, 2007); Managed by the Markets: How Finance Reshaped America (Oxford University Press, 2009); Changing your Company from the Inside Out: A Guide for Social Intrapreneurs (Harvard Business Review Press, 2015); and The Decline and Fall of the American Corporation (Berrett-Koehler, forthcoming). He is Editor of the Administrative Science Quarterly and Director of the Interdisciplinary Committee on Organization Studies (ICOS) at the University of Michigan.

Davis’s research is broadly concerned with the effects of finance on society. Recent writings examine how ideas about corporate social responsibility have evolved to meet changes in the structures and geographic footprint of multinational corporations; whether “shareholder capitalism” is still a viable model for economic development; how income inequality in an economy is related to corporate size and structure; why theories about organizations do (or do not) progress; how architecture shapes social networks and innovation in organizations; why stock markets spread to some countries and not others; and whether there exist viable organizational alternatives to shareholder-owned corporations in the United States.

Chris White leads the Center for Positive Organizations at The University of Michigan. The Center helps leaders build high-performing organizations that bring out the best in people through ground-breaking research, educational programs and organizational partnerships. The Center won the 2012 Research Center Impact Award from The Academy of Management.

At the Ross School of Business, Chris co-developed and teaches the MBA class on Social Intrapreneurship, which has since been replicated in other top business schools. He also teaches in the Executive Education program on selling internally. Chris is co-author of Changing Your Company From the Inside Out: A Guide for Social Intrapreneurs (Harvard Business Review Press, 2015).

Chris has been leading and consulting to purpose-driven organizations for 15 years. His career has spanned the non-profit, corporate, and philanthropic sectors. His work has been featured by outlets including Fast Company, Inc., Forbes, CBS, The Huffington Post, and Talent Management Magazine.

Free and open to the public.

The Center for Positive Organizations thanks Diane and Paul Jones (Ross School of Business MBA 1975), for their generous gift in support of the 2015-2016 Positive Links Speaker Series.