Positive Organizations Consortium
Spring Virtual Member Forum
Theme: Rising Together With Resilience
April 14, 2021 - April 15, 2021
1:30-5:00 p.m. ET (each day)
Open to Consortium members
Anyone interested in attending who has yet to join the Consortium, please contact cpo-consortium@umich.edu for more information.
Spring Consortium Virtual Member Forum
Positive Organizations Consortium
The Positive Organizations Consortium is a vibrant, leader-to-leader learning and networking community designed to create highly effective workplaces where people thrive. Established in 2014 at the Center for Positive Organizations, our members empower people and teams to reach their full potential through the science of Positive Organizational Scholarship (POS).
We bring together leaders with world-class researchers who share a common vision that a thriving organization starts with thriving people. Leaders learn new skills and practices to transform their organizations through sustainable, positive change to cultivate purpose, compassion, resiliency, and high-performing teams.
We learn and grow together. We foster long-term personal connections. And we provide customized support and resources along the way.
About the Forum
History tells us that when we encounter challenging times, it is the movement of people rising together that transforms such moments into a meaningful, growing experience. At this forum, we will learn from some of the founders of Positive Organizational Scholarship and an expert in the resilience field about people’s capacity to effectively navigate challenges and develop skills to turn those experiences into opportunities for positive change as individuals, teams, and organizations.
Day one will feature CPO Founders’ Panel with the three co-founders, Kim Cameron, Jane Dutton, and Robert E. Quinn, moderated by Ashlyee Freeman. Day two will feature an interactive workshop on resilience with Brianna Caza.
Kim CameronCo-Founder, CPO |
Brianna CazaResearch Advisory Board, CPO |
Jane DuttonCo-Founder, CPO |
Ashlyee FreemanDoctoral Student |
Robert E. QuinnCo-Founder, CPO |
Interested in attending the forum and not yet a Consortium member? Contact us at cpo-consortium@umich.edu.