Positive Relationships at Work


The Positive Relationships at Work (PRW) microcommunity aims to develop and disseminate research on the theory, practice, and teaching of positive relationships in the workplace through the following means:

  • Assembling: PRW microcommunity members convene face-to face (e.g., Winter/Spring Meeting and annual meetings of the Academy of Management) and virtually during the year.
  • Informing: The PRW microcommunity maintains a listing of resources and opportunities (e.g., special events, research publications, special issues, teaching materials, awards) relevant to the study of positive relationships at work.
  • Bridging: The PRW microcommunity builds bridges across silos of scholarship, both within and outside of the field of management. By forming partnerships across levels of analysis, phenomena of interest, perspectives, and disciplines, the PRW microcommunity fosters an interdisciplinary approach to the study of positive relationships at work.

The PRW Microcommunity, in its current form, was established in 2011 by a four-person Steering Committee (Stephanie CrearyElana FeldmanKathy Kram, and Emily Heaphy). With guidance from Jane Dutton (co-founder of the Center for Positive Organizations and founding member of the PRW Microcommunity) and Amy Wrzesniewski (organizer of the Meaning Microcommunity/the May Meaning Meeting and member of the PRW Microcommunity), the Steering Committee crafted the Microcommunity’s mission and vision statement.

Since its inception in 2011, the Microcommunity has grown to over 300 members. Members include a collaborative group of faculty, doctoral students, and scholar-practitioners from a wide range of institutions. These members interact virtually as well as in person at PRW-sponsored events.

Resources and Helpful Links