Compassion: Test Your Workplace with this Free Online Quiz

May 5, 2013

By: Wayne Baker

Originally posted on Our Values

Kindness is the #1 character strength in America, according to a global survey of 24 character strengths.

But, what about the workplace? Often, kindness is reserved for family, friends, and community, while the workplace is cutthroat.

Today, I’m giving you a free online quiz to see: Do you work in a cutthroat or a compassionate organization?

Compassion is a subject of scientific study. Members of the CompassionLab are leaders in the field with over 10 years of research on compassion in the workplace. They are “a group of organizational researchers who strive to create a new vision of organizations as sites for the development and expression of compassion.” The CompassionLab is part of a worldwide movement called Positive Organizational Scholarship that focuses on how people and organizations flourish.

The CompassionLab just partnered with Greater Good at Berkeley to create an online assessment of compassion in the workplace. I took the 23-question assessment, receiving a compassion score for my workplace and a written summary assessment. I also received advice on concrete ways that organizations can increase compassion, and what leaders can do to elevate compassion in the workplace.

I invite you to take the assessment. Click the logo, above. It takes only a few minutes, and it will give you insights on the current state of compassion in your organization, and good advice on how to increase compassion in the workplace.

Is your workplace cutthroat, compassionate, or somewhere in between?

What’s your organization’s “compassion score?”

Does compassion have a place in business?