Teaching Resources During the Time of COVID

The Center for Positive Organizations has created a set of resources designed for teachers who are transitioning to an online platform that help (re)imagining thriving a classroom in the time of COVID. The emphasis is on (re)imagining classrooms by applying a framework of flexible structures—such as roles, routines, networks, and cultures—to design a thriving online classroom.

At-a-Glance Summaries

Read about leadership, gratitude, generational diversity, and building High Quality Connections.

Community of Practice Facilitation Guide

The Center for Positive Organizations inspires and enables leaders to build high-performing organizations that bring out the best in people. In support of this goal, we encourage business leaders, practitioners and organizational consultants to share strategies and practices for creating successful and flourishing workplaces.

The Community of Practice Facilitation Guide is designed to support such gatherings with informed advice and curated resources—such as research, journal articles, interviews with experts, inspiring practices, and provocative musings—to prompt engaged and enlivened discussion in your group. It is our hope that your Community of Practice will be a home to learn and grow with peers and help advance positive business practices.

Course Syllabi

Courses from the University of Michigan and around the country are outlined in these syllabi, highlighting the study of Positive Organizational Scholarship and positive leadership methods. These courses guide students to new, positive leadership styles, embracing emotion and human nature, acting as an alternative to traditional leadership and teaching them to discover the potential of their workforce.

Teaching Cases

Resilience in the face of adversity. Strength in the wake of disaster. These teaching cases exhibit how Positive Organizational Scholarship can help pull organizations through difficult times, and how their leaders adopted its philosophies to endure and progress. Designed for students, these cases will promote discussion and assess how they would exhibit Positive Organizational Scholarship when handling the challenges faced by some of the top organizations in the world.

Teaching with a Positive Lens

At the 2012, 2013, and 2016 Annual Meetings of the Academy of Management, Jane Dutton of the University of Michigan (along Karen Golden-Biddle of Boston University (2012), Marc Lavine of University of Massachusetts, Boston (2013), and Arne Carlsen of BI Norwegian Business School (2016)) hosted professional development workshops on teaching with a Positive Organizational Scholarship perspective. Among the goals was the sharing of Positive Organizational Scholarship-inspired topics and processes that could be used in teaching graduate and undergraduate students. This collection includes some of the materials that contributors to the workshops shared.


The scholars at the Center for Positive Organizations developed the following tools to help amplify the highest level of human potential.