Teaching with a Positive Lens

At the 2012, 2013, and 2016 Annual Meetings of the Academy of Management, Jane Dutton of the University of Michigan (along Karen Golden-Biddle of Boston University (2012), Marc Lavine of University of Massachusetts, Boston (2013), and Arne Carlsen of BI Norwegian Business School (2016)) hosted professional development workshops on teaching with a Positive Organizational Scholarship perspective. Among the goals was the sharing of Positive Organizational Scholarship-inspired topics and processes that could be used in teaching graduate and undergraduate students. This collection includes some of the materials that contributors to the workshops shared.

Below are materials shared by participants in workshops on teaching with a POS perspective held at the annual meetings of the Academy of Management (AOM).

Job Crafting in Action

Job Crafting Exercise

Amy Wrzesniewski, Yale University, discussed the Job Crafting Exercise.

From AOM 2012

What Can We Teach the Social Change Agent?

Overview of Oana Branzei’s presentation and a list of resources

Oana Branzei, The University of Western Ontario

From AOM 2012


Materials on Social Entrepreneur Craig Kielburger

Craig Kielburger cases

Mary M. Cross and Mark Reno, The University of Western Ontario

(A six-part video case series featuring social entrepreneur Craig Kielburger as he faces pivotal moments in his life and the remarkable evolution of his organization.)

Page one of the background case A Movement is Born

Page one of each of the remaining five cases

From AOM 2012


Sample frameworks and syllabi for teaching the social change agent

Sustainability in Action

Oana Branzei, The University of Western Ontario

Social Enterprise

Oana Branzei, The University of Western Ontario

Social Innovation

Oana Branzei, The University of Western Ontario

From AOM 2012

Teaching Positive Relationships at Work

Jason Kanov (Western Washington University) and Kerry Gibson (Babson College)

David Bright (Wright State University), Jody Hoffer Gittell (Brandeis University), and Angela Passarelli (College of Charleston)

From AOM 2017

About this PDW:

This lively and engaging PDW focused on enhancing participants’ skills with regard to teaching about positive relationships at work (PRW). It introduced attendees to existing exercises useful for teaching the skills and knowledge required to build and participate in positive workplace relationships via well-crafted “teaching blasts” by invited presenters.

In addition, attendees worked collaboratively to craft new teaching tools focused on self-selected PRW topics of interest. Workgroups shared and received feedback on their newly developed teaching tools. Each participant had the opportunity to leave the workshop with multiple, actionable ideas for enhancing their teaching of PRWs within a variety of possible class topics and formats.

Related resources:

Topics: Positive Practices , Positive Relationships