Forbes cites Jane Dutton in article about corporate wellness
October 2, 2019
The Forbes article, “Wellness Is More Than A Buzzword: What Employees Are Looking For (And Need) Today,” highlights Jane Dutton’s research on compassionate workplaces.
The article explores why corporations should take a holistic approach to wellness–supporting employees’ mental and emotional health, as well as their physical wellbeing.
“These environments allow employees to adapt to their circumstances—whether around mental health or any other challenges happening in their lives,” Dutton tells Forbes. The psychological safety in such workplaces also fosters teamwork, risk-taking and innovation—making compassion a win-win for employees and employers.
Dutton is a co-founder of the Center for Positive Organizations (CPO) and the Robert L. Kahn Distinguished University Emerita Professor of Business Administration and Psychology at the University of Michigan.