Four ways you can help your colleagues feel good about their work
August 2, 2017
What we say about our colleagues has implications for how they feel about their work. Every day, whether we realize it or not, we have opportunities to shape this narrative.
Michigan Ross Professors Jane Dutton and Julia Lee, writing in Harvard Business Review, explain how these verbal build-ups have positive effects on how people think about their work and their value. They outline four ways you can help foster these positive feelings and outcomes among your coworkers.
“Every day we have opportunities to help others create positive meaning in how we communicate about our colleagues,” they write. “It’s worth it to stay aware of these moments and take advantage them. Not only do we uplift others, but we also lift up our own potential for meaning by positively contributing to others.”
Dutton and Lee are both core faculty members of the Center for Positive Organizations at Ross.
This article was originally published in the Ross Thought in Action