How Can We Thrive at Work This Year? with Monica Worline, Gretchen Spreitzer, and Lindy Greer
January 19, 2023
Center for Positive Organizations’ faculty members Gretchen M. Spreitzer, Monica Worline, and Lindy Greer came together to provide the Michigan Ross Business and Society podcast listeners a deeper dive into the practice of thriving.
In this episode, How Can We Thrive at Work This Year?, they explain how loneliness, drained energy, and a lack of patience are side effects of low-quality connections, but also how to combat this to create interactions that energize people. Taking steps to improve the quality of your connections is a vital part of engagement and creating connections in the workplace. They discuss what we mean by thriving at work, trends and changes facing the workplace in 2023, actionable tips for managers and individuals to encourage thriving, and potential pitfalls that can get in the way of thriving.
Spreitzer is the Keith E. and Valerie J. Alessi Professor of Business Administration and Professor of Management and Organizations at the University of Michigan.
Worline is the Faculty Director of Engaged Learning and Innovation at the Center for Positive Organizations and CEO at Enliven Work.
Greer is a Faculty Associate at the Center for Positive Organizations, Sanger Leadership Center Faculty Director, and a Professor for Management and Organizations at the University of Michigan.