Works by Adam Grant, Scott Sonenshein, Christine Porath featured in Washington Post book list

January 9, 2017

Forthcoming books from two members of the Center for Positive Organizations’ Research Advisory Board, Adam Grant and Scott Sonenshein, made the Washington Post’s “10 books on leadership to read in 2017.” Another book by Christine Porath, a member of the Center for Positive Organizations’ Community of Scholars, also made the list.

Option Ba collaborative work between Adam Grant and Sheryl Sandberg, finds constructive ways to act, work, and live when options are limited. It draws from Sandberg’s experience with sudden loss and Grant’s expertise in organizational psychology to offer what the publisher describes as “compelling insights for dealing with hardships in our own lives and helping others in crisis.”

Sonenshein’s Stretch is not only built on the premise that less is more, it digs further into why and how. The book is described as showing “why everyone—from executives to entrepreneurs, professionals to parents, athletes to artists—performs better with constraints; why seeking too many resources undermines our work and well-being; and why even those with a lot benefit from making the most out of a little.”

Mastering Civility: A Manifesto for the Workplace by Christine Porath combines research and evidence from a variety of fields to detail the benefits to being civil, as well as the bottom line costs of incivility. As indicated by the book’s description, it also “provides managers and employers with a much-needed wake-up call, while also reminding them of what they can do right now to improve the quality of their workplaces.”