Mind-body connection can curb overwork, Stephanie Creary writes in Harvard Business Review
November 22, 2021
POISED (Positive Organizational Inclusion Scholarship for Equity and Diversity)
Research Spotlight
“To Reduce the Strain of Overwork, Learn to Listen to Your Body,” writes Center for Positive Organizations (CPO) Research Advisory Board member Stephanie Creary in the Harvard Business Review.
The article, co-authored with Karen Locke, details the researchers’ exploration of yoga as a tool to put workers in touch with their bodies and how this mind-body connection can improve their lives off the mat. It draws on Creary and Locke’s two year-long studies of yoga teacher training.
“Our research showed that the ability to monitor and adjust their somatic engagement to stop overwork in yoga teacher training was generalizable to our participants’ lives more broadly,” the researchers write. “They now could catch themselves, pause, and pull back from overwork by lessening reactivity, reducing their time working, and reducing physical and mental straining.”
The researchers encourage people who’d like to manage overwork to, “seek out communities beyond work and home that counter the trends of excessive striving and all-encompassing work schedules, and that bring awareness to your body.”
Creary is an Assistant Professor of Management at the University of Pennsylvania.
POISED — Positive Organizational Inclusion Scholarship for Equity and Diversity — is a new microcommunity that investigates diversity, equity, and inclusion through the lens of Positive Organizational Scholarship — paying special attention to positive states, qualities, relationships, and processes (such as dynamics that contribute to human strength, resilience, and flourishing) in organizations to surface new insights.
POISED is tackling vital questions such as how underrepresented minorities develop the capacity to thrive in the workplace rather than being derailed by discrimination, how leaders and allies partner in DEI efforts to help underrepresented minorities thrive, and how organizations that have stumbled in their efforts to support DEI can learn, grow, and flourish from their experiences. All are invited to learn more and join.
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