Scott DeRue inspired by Ross students

December 12, 2016

Inspired By Our Students: What Are You Grateful For?









Students at the Ross School of Business created a gratitude wall, allowing a space to offer small notes of thankfulness. Michigan Ross Dean Scott DeRue, penned a blog about the positive contributions of the gratitude wall. The proven benefits of the gratitude wall extend beyond the ten-foot-high feature, and are rooted in positive organizational scholarship, namely Kim Cameron’s research on gratitude.

Among the positive contributions, DeRue lists improved  “well-being, work performance, and relationships… more positive mood, improved sense of being connected to others and much more.” DeRue concluded, “The Gratitude Wall is a powerful forum that I encourage you to contribute to and support,” and offered a few of his own notes of gratitude.

Scott DeRue is the Edward J. Frey Dean of Business and a Stephen M. Ross Professor of Business at the University of Michigan’s Stephen M. Ross School of Business, and a faculty associate at the Center for Positive Organizations.