Video Introduction to Care and Compassion in Organizations

April 28, 2013

By: Monica Worline, Jane Dutton

Originally posted on Compassion at Work Blog

In this short video introduction, Professor Jane Dutton welcomes you to a special issue of the Academy of Management Review focused on understanding and creating compassionate organizations. The special issue features nine highly diverse papers selected from over ninety-six submissions in a rigorous peer review process. The volume extends organizational theory with a focus on compassion that extends from individual-level topics to group-level dynamics and organization-level impacts.

Jane shares her excitement about the richness that this lens on organizations brings to the broader field of organizational studies, particularly as we learn more in the social sciences about how humans are hard-wired to be other-serving just as we are hard-wired to be self-serving.

You can also read the transcript of a panel discussion with editors and authors of the issue, raising important questions about the value of this lens and the practical as well as theoretical implications of these topics for business.