2020 Virtual Gathering of POS Scholars following AOM

Presented by the Center for Positive Organizations

August 14, 2020

10:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. ET

Virtual event

Seeding POS-Inspired Change in the World

Annual Gathering of POS Scholars
following the
2020 Academy of Management Annual Meeting

  • 10:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. ET
  • 10:30 – 11:00 a.m. ET (pre-meeting connections in small groups)
  • 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. ET (Seeding POS-Inspired Change in the World)

Normally, each year we gather for breakfast during the Academy of Management’s Annual Meeting to connect as a community. This year, with AOM’s meeting in a virtual format, we are hosting our gathering virtually (after AOM concludes) to connect as a community, learn about new developments in the field, and to generate energy about the possibilities created by using a Positive Organizational Scholarship (POS) lens.

This year’s AOM Meeting theme challenges us to see things more clearly and to break down dichotomies—broadening the way we see management and organizations and our own profession. At this year’s POS virtual gathering, we approach the AOM Meeting theme by Seeding POS-Inspired Change in the World.

There has seemingly never been a more critical and pivotal time for organizations and workers as the present. We are in the midst of an ongoing worldwide reset in how we see and come to know others: how we see coworkers, students, clients at physical distance; how we see those of different races and backgrounds; how those in power see and respond to one another as they try to solve global challenges; and simply how we see each other in our POS community.

As members of the POS community, we have the power and responsibility to use our expertise to acknowledge the challenge of our communities—organizations, institutions, employees—and transform them for the better during this reset. But how? How do we leverage social movements to incite real change? How do we take the lessons from virtual technology to make our institutions and leaders more empathetic? How do we change institutions to make them more collaborative and less hateful as crisis persists?

During this gathering of our community we will apply various lenses as educators, researchers, and community members to brainstorm and share POS-inspired answers to these urgent questions. We hope you will join us for a session that embraces some of the most core values of POS—connection, reconnection, positivity, honesty, discomfort, vulnerability, growth, and change—as we think about what we could and should be doing as individuals and as an intellectual community at this critical juncture.

We look forward to seeing you at the gathering!

Hosted by:

Please email cpo-events@umich.edu.