July 28, 2023
1:00 - 2:00 p.m. ET
About this event
The Positive Communication Network is proud to present theĀ Positive Communication Book Series, a one-hour event designed to celebrate great books that inspire better social worlds.
The July 28th event will celebrate Julien C. Mirivel and Alexander Lyon’s newest release, “Positive Communication for Leaders: Proven Strategies for Inspiring Unity and Effecting Change” (Rowman and Littlefield, 2023). Described by Arvind Singhal as “one of the most significant books of the decade in the communication discipline,” our event will offer the following:
1. A 25-minute leadership training based on the book led by Julien and Alex.
2. A 15-minute fireside chat with the authors (moderated by Amy Young, Michigan Ross School of Business).
3. A 10-minute Q & A with all participants (moderated by Maggie Pitts, University of Arizona).
4. A free communication plan to develop your own skills.
5. A special discount rate on the book for the launch.
6. 5 books giveaway.
7. A free 9-day email class.
8. Opportunities for free virtual speaking engagement for your classes! (Pending availability).
The PCN Positive Communication Book Series is designed to inspire scholars, educators, and practitioners to study, explore, and celebrate positive communication practices and messages across communication contexts.