February 21, 2025 - February 22, 2025

9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. ET, both days

Michigan Ross, Ross Building, 701 Tappan, Ann Arbor

Registration required, free to attend

About the training

Join us for an extraordinary chance to participate in a free two-day facilitator training and certification in the Council method as practiced at Snap Inc. This special opportunity is available to CPO community members with training led by experienced facilitators from Snap Inc. Participants will engage in learning how to skillfully facilitate this valuable listening and storytelling practice that has been part of the DNA at Snap Inc. since its founding. Council gathers team members in a circle for storytelling as a way to connect, listen, and meet one another as humans, and to scale empathy and foster deeper connections. It is the way that Snap Inc. builds an inclusive community and creates high-performing teams.

In this certification training, you will:

  • Learn the basic forms of Council and skill-building activities for facilitation
  • Foster deeper connections with those around you
  • Practice active listening to cultivate empathy
  • Develop your capacity to skillfully bring Council to communities where you want to foster belonging


Q: Is there a cost to participate in the training?
A: Snap Inc. has made this training free to all participants. 

Q: Do I have to attend both days of the 2-day training?
A: Yes, you must participate for both days, February 21 and 22, to receive certification. 

Q: Is this available online or as a hybrid?
A: No, this training will be facilitated solely in person at Michigan Ross.

Q: Who can attend the facilitator training?
A: Anyone looking to build a culture of belonging through storytelling may join this facilitator training.

Q: What if I didn’t attend one of the previously offered information sessions? Can I still attend the training?
A: Yes, you can still participate in the training if you did not attend an information session.

Q: What is included?
A: For both days, a light breakfast and lunch will be provided as well as coffee, tea, and water throughout the day.

Questions? Email cpo-events@umich.edu.