August 17, 2021

3:00 - 4:00 p.m. ET

Open to Consortium members

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Kim Cameron
Co-Founder and Core Faculty, Center for Positive Organizations
William Russell Kelly Professor Emeritus of Business Administration; Professor Emeritus of Higher Education, University of Michigan

About the Session

It is not unusual for executives, managers, or people who are facing difficult challenges to dismiss positive practices as soft and lacking credibility. When conditions are stressful, when the pressure is on, when anxiety is high, just thinking happy thoughts or emphasizing the bright side is seen as disingenuous and a deflection from real-world concerns—a feel-good side-trip.

In this webinar, Professor Kim Cameron will provide empirical evidence that positively energizing leadership and positive practices produce extraordinarily successful bottom-line performance in organizations. The presentation references a new book, Positively Energizing Leadership (August 2021), which highlights the practices that energize employees and produce extraordinarily positive results.

About Cameron

Kim Cameron became interested in Positive Organizational Scholarship as a result of a decade of studying the consequences of organizational downsizing. Organizations characterized by virtuous practices—for example, forgiveness, compassion, integrity, trust, optimism, kindness—tended to avoid the declining performance associated with downsizing.

Observing this effect led to a variety of empirical studies on the effects of positive leadership and organizational virtuousness on organizational performance.

Cameron’s research has been identified as among the top 10 social science scholars in the world in being downloaded from Google. Reports of the work have appeared in 15 scholarly books and more than 140 academic articles. The latest books include Oxford Handbook of Positive Organizational Scholarship (Oxford University Press), Positive Leadership (Berrett Koehler), and Practicing Positive Leadership (Berrett Koehler).

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