Gretchen Spreitzer talks coworking with Dallas News

December 5, 2016

In an article, titled “With co-working giant WeWork’s arrival, anti-cubicle crowd grows in Dallas,” the Dallas News explores a continuing trend of interest in coworking spaces through the story of WeWork, a co-working company increasing its presence in Dallas. The piece featured further insight on this trend from Gretchen Spreitzer’s research on coworking, which explores the ways that working together increases productivity and purpose at work.

In addition to providing alternative spaces to work outside of homes and coffee shops, coworking organizations like WeWork provide a variety of amenities. The author, Melissa Repko, cites murals, skyline views, and beer on-tap as some of the offerings. A variety of business models populate the coworking economy, spanning from “fast-food style” leasing options to long-term leases of workspaces.

But the characteristic which binds various strategies of coworking is the core experience of working together, and may be the biggest draw to these spaces. Spreitzer’s research shows that people value coworking because it fosters an authentic community experience. Spreitzer told the Dallas News, “co-working spaces that succeed provide more than a cool space and free Wi-Fi: They give their members a sense of identity.”

Gretchen Spreitzer is the Faculty Director for the Center for Positive Organizations, a professor of management and organizations, and the Keith E. and Valerie J. Alessi Professor of Business Administration. In addition to coworking, her research carries emphasis on thriving and how to cultivate best selves at work.