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The Center for Positive Organizations announces “The Robert E. Quinn Award for Positive Change”

January 15, 2024

Robert E. Quinn’s life mission is to inspire positive change. As a teacher, author, consultant, and speaker focused on purpose, leadership, and culture, Bob nurtures the expansion of consciousness and performance in individuals and organizations. Bob is a co-founder of the Center for Positive Organizations and one of the leading thinkers whose work has advanced the domain of Positive Organizational Scholarship as it has grown into a recognized global focus for management and organizations. Since his start as an applied behavioral scientist who hungered to understand change, Bob’s focus has never wavered. As the Margaret Elliott Tracy Collegiate Emeritus Professor in Business Administration at the University of Michigan’s Ross School of Business, Bob continues to inspire leaders around the world with his teaching and writing.

Bob is the author of more than 18 books, among them one of the world’s best-loved books on organizational change. His writing and teaching have inspired leaders around the world to strive for forms of excellence they may not have believed possible, and his Harvard Business Review article entitled Moments of Greatness: Entering the Fundamental State of Leadership is one of their 10 Must Reads. Bob is perhaps most beloved, however, as a teacher. Speak to any student who has been in his presence and you will hear a story of greatness being born. Bob is known widely for his ability to adapt moment-by-moment with his audience in order to deepen their mutual encounter with leading a purposeful life. Bob leaves his students inspired to act with greater courage.

“It is a great joy for us at the Center for Positive Organizations to announce a new award that captures Bob’s spirit and honors his legacy as a teacher, writer, and thinker. This award is dedicated to elevating the work of those who push the boundaries of leadership practice, inspire excellence, and continue to seek change for themselves and those around them.” – Monica Worline, Faculty Director of the Center for Positive Organizations

The Center for Positive Organizations will present The Robert E. Quinn Award for Positive Change at its biennial gathering for leaders, the Positive Business Conference.

As Bob himself says, “I have always believed that leading with purpose creates dramatic transformations. This award represents the enduring power of positive organizational scholarship and I hope it also encourages those who lead with courage and strive for excellence to continue sharing their ideas and raising their voices about the power of positive change.” 

If you have ever been touched and inspired by Bob’s work, we invite you to join us in honoring his impact by becoming part of this legacy award given in his name.

Donations will directly support the development and administration of this prestigious award.