2019 Gathering of POS Scholars at AOM

Presented by the Center for Positive Organizations

August 11, 2019

7:30-9:00 a.m.

Constitution Ballroom A, Sheraton Boston Hotel

Annual Gathering of POS Scholars at the
2019 Academy of Management Annual Meeting

This breakfast experience organized by the Center for Positive Organizations gathers together the community of scholars applying the concepts and theories in the field of Positive Organizational Scholarship (POS) in their research.

Please, join us for the POS gathering to build community, connect with research collaborators, learn about new developments in the field, and generate energy about the possibilities created by using the POS lens.

Please RSVP by August 4, 2019.


At this year’s POS breakfast we will use our gathering to experience the obvious, but under-appreciated power of fellowship. Coming together as a collective is a means to foster a sense of belongingness, energy, and positive meaning – outcomes essential for potentiating individual well-being and positive organizational outcomes. Through our shared experience we will reflect on how embodied gathering might energize our research foci and energize how we gather as a research community.

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