Courtney McCluney

Courtney McCluney discusses code-switching on Fast Company podcast

March 9, 2021

Center for Positive Organizations (CPO) faculty affiliate Courtney McCluney speaks with Fast Company on The New Way We Work podcast episode titled “The toll of code-switching and the tyranny of culture fit.”

The episode explores the exhausting labor that underrepresented people perform to fit in at workplaces biased toward white standards. For example, an employee may change their name to something that sounds more “white” to fit in at work.

“I consider inclusion someone being able to fully participate and contribute at their workplace, unencumbered by feeling that their differences (are) somehow going to decrease their opportunities or advantages, that they can be their full, authentic self and bring that contribution into the work that they do” McCluney says. “So if your employees aren’t experiencing that, then starting to think about not just how you’re allocating work, but what type of message have you given to your consumers?”

The episode examines how companies can build a truly inclusive culture and offers practical tips for managers.

 McCluney is an Assistant Professor at the Cornell University ILR School.