CPO professors discuss Michigan Ross’ positive leadership approach on ‘Working for the Weekend’ podcast

April 19, 2021

Center for Positive Organizations (CPO) faculty associates Betsy Erwin and Lindy Greer and CPO core faculty member Gretchen Spreitzer visit the Working for the Weekend podcast on episode “#404 – Faculty Focus: Leadership and Teams.”

The professors discuss how Michigan Ross’ unique emphasis on positive organizational leadership can empower MBA graduates to create thriving employees and organizations.

Gretchen mentioned that it’s a lens of seeing leadership that’s different than many other business schools,” Erwin says. “It’s a field that was pioneered here at Ross. So students who are part of the Ross MBA program are really in a unique position to get exposure to this and they’ll leave the program with two lenses, rather than the one traditional lens that most students leave with.”

Erwin is Senior Associate Director at CPO. She co-designed and teaches the “Thriving in the New World of Work” capstone course, the Magnify Immersion Program and the Online MBA Positive Leadership Residency.

Spreitzer is the Keith E. and Valerie J. Alessi Professor of Business Administration and a Professor of Management and Organizations at the University of Michigan.

Greer is an Associate Professor of Management and Organizations at Michigan Ross and the Faculty Director of the Sanger Leadership Center.