Compassion revealed: What we know about compassion at work (and where we need to know more)
Lilius, J., Kanov, J., Dutton, J., Worline, M. & Maitli, S. (2011). Compassion revealed: What we know about compassion at work (and where we need to know more). In Cameron, K. & Spreitzer, G. (Eds.), Oxford handbook of positive organizational scholarship (pp. 273-288). Cambridge: Oxford University Press.
In this chapter, we examine work by those who have responded to Frost‘s (1999) call for research that accounts for suffering and compassion in work organizations. We add to this line of inquiry by reviewing the organizational research on compassion published over the past decade and illuminating connections with extant research on related phenomena. In particular, we explore current understandings of the nature and impact of compassion at work, the conditions that facilitate compassion in work organizations, and efforts to institutionalize compassion. In pointing to what we see as fruitful directions for future research, we invite more scholars to see suffering and compassion as critical and pervasive aspects of organizational life.