How did you do that? Exploring the motivation to learn from others’ exceptional success By: , Christopher Myers, Ryan Quinn, Stefanie A. Simmons
Leveraging minority identities at work: An individual-level framework of the identity mobilization process By: Laura Morgan Roberts, Sandra E. Cha
The conceptual and empirical value of a positive lens: An invitation to organizational scholars to develop novel research questions By: Gretchen M. Spreitzer, Christopher Myers, Dave M. Mayer,
The money or the morals? When moral language is more effective for selling social issues By: Dave M. Mayer, Susan J. Ashford, Scott Sonenshein, Madeline Ong
Organizational structure from interaction: Evidence from corporate sustainability efforts By: Sara Soderstrom, Klaus Weber
When does respectful engagement with one’s supervisor foster help-seeking behaviors and performance? By: Jane Dutton, Anat Friedmana, Abraham Carmelib
Commitments and appeals to make a better world: The global compact, Laudato Si’ and our future By: Jim Walsh, Angelo Solarino
The Role of Organizational Culture in Retaining Nursing Workforce By: Jane Banaszak-Holl, Nicholas G. Castle, Michael K. Lin, Nijika Shrivastwa, Gretchen M. Spreitzer
Thriving at work: Toward its measurement, construct validation, and theoretical refinement By: Christine Porath, Gretchen M. Spreitzer, Cristina Gibson, Flannery G. Garnett
Seeing and realizing organizational potential: Activating conversations that challenge assumptions By: Katherine Heynoski, Robert E. Quinn
Beneficiary or benefactor: Are people more prosocial when they reflect on receiving or giving By: Adam Grant, Jane Dutton
Breaking rules for the right reasons?: An investigation of pro-social rule breaking By: Jason J. Dahling, Samantha L. Chau, Dave M. Mayer, Jane B. Gregory
Understanding compassion capability By: Jacoba M. Lilius, Monica C. Worline, Jane Dutton, Jason M. Kanov, Sally Maitlis
Prosocial practices, positive identity, and flourishing at work By: Jane Dutton, Laura Morgan Roberts, Jeffrey Bednar
Transformational power of a mission-driven strategy: Extraordinary diversity management practice & quality of care By: Valerie Myers, Lynn Perry Wooten
Downsizing the company without downsizing morale By: Aneil K. Mishra, Karen E. Mishra, Gretchen M. Spreitzer
Trust, Connectivity, and Thriving: Implications for Innovative Work Behavior By: Abraham Carmeli, Gretchen M. Spreitzer
Good soldiers and good actors: Prosocial and impression management motives as interactive predictors of citizenship behavior By: Adam Grant, Dave M. Mayer
Taking stock: A review of more than twenty years of research on empowerment at work By: Gretchen M. Spreitzer
The contours and consequences of compassion at work By: Jacoba M. Lilius, Monica C. Worline, Sally Maitlis, Jason Kanov, Jane Dutton, Peter Frost
A socially embedded model of thriving at work By: Gretchen M. Spreitzer, Kathleen Sutcliffe, Jane Dutton, Scott Sonenshein, Adam M. Grant
Generating dynamic capabilities through a humanistic work ideology By: Lynn Perry Wooten, Patricia Crane
Positive Organizational Behaviour: A Reflective Approach By: Ace Simpson, Miguel Pina e Cunha, Arménio Rego, Stewart Clegg
Positive Emotional Culture: How Positive Emotions at the Heart of Corporate Culture Affect Your Well-Being and Your Company’s Bottom Line
The Center for Positive Organizations announces “The Kim Cameron Award for Outstanding Research in Positive Organizational Scholarship”
Create inclusive workplaces to counter Great Resignation, Stephanie Creary writes in The Philadelphia Tribune
Workplace stress can be costly, warns Inc. article that highlights research from Kim S. Cameron, Emma Seppälä
Laura Morgan Roberts contributes to Harvard Business Review article about The Reflected Best Self Exercise™ in our everyday lives
Mayer, Ashford, and Sonenshein pen HBR article about creating social change from within organizations
Logitech named winner of 2016 Positive Business Project, an annual competition presented by Michigan Ross’ Center for Positive Organizations
Work Life Enrichment and Being Willing to Die for the Organization That Would Kill You for Caring By: Ryan W. Quinn
From Emotional Labor to Emotional Opportunity: How Personal Investment in Work Pays Off By: Ryan W. Quinn
2022 POS Research Conference: Day 2 Afternoon Sessions “Experiential POS Practices to Carry Us Forward”
Positive Emotional Culture: How Positive Emotions at the Heart of Corporate Culture Affect Your Well-Being and Your Company’s Bottom Line