Trickle-Down Effects of Supervisor Perceptions of Interracial Justice: A Moderated Mediation Approach

By: Maureen L. Ambrose, Marshall Schminke, Dave M. Mayer

Ambrose, M., Schminke, M., & Mayer, D.M. (2013). Trickle-down effects of supervisor perceptions of interracial justice: A moderated mediation approach. Journal of Applied Psychology, 98, 679-689. (July 2013)


Supervisors’ perceptions of how fairly they are treated by their own supervisors can influence their subordinates’ perceptions, attitudes, and behavior. We present a moderated mediation model that demonstrates how workgroup structure can enhance or constrain these effects. Results show supervisors’ perceptions of the fairness of the interactional treatment they receive relate to their subordinates’ perceptions of interactional justice climate, and this relationship is stronger in workgroups with more organic structures. Further, consistent with the moderated mediation prediction, interactional justice climate mediates the relationship between supervisors’ perceptions of interactional justice and outcomes when workgroup structures are more organic. We discuss the implications of the findings for research on justice and trickle-down effects.