Using a positive lens to complicate the positive in identity research

By: Jane Dutton, Laura Morgan Roberts, Jeffrey Bednar

Dutton, J.E., Roberts, L.M., & Bednar, J. (2011). Using a positive lens to complicate the positive in identity research. Academy of Management Review, April, 427-431.


We appreciate the opportunity to respond to Learmonth and Humphrey’s commentary on our article, “Pathways for Positive Identity Construction at Work: Four Types of Positive Identity and the Building of Social Resources” (2010). In this rejoinder we clarify our motivations for studying positive identity, make explicit our a priori assumptions, and engage our colleagues’ ideas about employee resistance to demonstrate how our typology of positive identities enriches understanding of identity-based mechanisms in organizational research. We hope this exchange will stimulate discussion and open new pathways for future research.
