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December 17, 2012
By: Robert E. Quinn
Originally posted on the LIFT Blog In this five-part series, I explore the ways in which positive organizational scholarship’s teachers and practitioners can use empirical examples to make the subject both clear and engaging. To help individuals and organzations implement the principles of positive organizational scholarship, its teachers and practitioners must understand and effectively communicate its […]
December 15, 2012
By: Chris White
How do you celebrate the good things that happen at work?
December 13, 2012
By: Ryan W. Quinn
Seven billion people worldwide. Instant connection to almost anywhere, anytime, through electronic media. Working in and with organizations day and night. It’s hard to imagine anyone could ever feel alone.
December 11, 2012
By: Chris White
Research suggests that the single best way to improve your own mood is to do something nice for others. How can we create mechanisms to make this part of the fabric of our organizations? Here are two examples.
December 8, 2012
By: Chris White
You may have heard the remarkable research finding before: those who write down three good things that happened in their life each day for a week are happier and less depressed, even sixth months later than those who do not do this practice. Those who continue the practice on after the week have even stronger positive responses.
December 5, 2012
By: Chris White
Are you getting the help you need from those around you to get things done? And – equally to the point – are you giving the help that others need for them to get their jobs done?
December 4, 2012
By: Amy Lemley
How would you unify more than 50,000 employees worldwide? Ask Jim Mallozzi, chairman and CEO of Prudential Real Estate and Relocation Services.
December 2, 2012
By: Monica Worline, Jane Dutton, and members of Compassion Lab
In this paper, we use a combination of narrative and survey methods to explore the contours and consequences of compassion at work. Stories of compassion at work provide testimony to its power in cultivating positive identification with the workplace and with one’s co-workers.
November 28, 2012
By: Robert E. Quinn
Highly functioning organizations are different from other organizations. They engage in a process called positive organizing. Positive organizing transcends normal assumptions. To understand it, internalize it, and practice it, people need someone who can elevate their feelings, thoughts, and actions so that they can collaborate in new ways. Here is a story that illustrates what positive organizing is, how it is facilitated, and how it can be taught.
November 21, 2012
By: Ryan W. Quinn
I walked into a restaurant a few weeks ago and was impressed with the person behind the counter. He was a fiftyish man named Jim, and he was smiling and laughing and appeared genuinely happy to be there.
October 19, 2012
Sometimes, it’s impossible to push against powerful people. But employees often have resources to empower themselves that they may not recognize.
August 21, 2012
By Janet Max
Oana Branzei is an associate professor at the Richard Ivey School of Business at the University of Western Ontario. She is Visiting Scholar at the Center for POS for the 2012-13 academic year.
The Center’s new visiting scholar, Oana Branzei, is passionate about the overarching theme of the positive function of business in society, and is drawn to learning about what people in extreme situations think that business can do for them. “They see business as almost a salvation. Often, they learn to imagine the future through the business itself,” she notes. “It’s really hard for someone who has been marginalized or traumatized to imagine a better life. Hope is an essential part of lifting them up.” Oana focuses on the dynamics of hope: dreams of better lives, and actions needed to achieve them. Her field work in areas such as Kenya, Tanzania, Sudan, Rwanda, Uganda, Peru, and Bangladesh documents the incidence and resilience of enterprise under extreme scarcity, adversity, and conflict. Oana also researches the emergence and evolution of pro-poor business models in North America, Asia, and Latin America.