By: Amy Wrzesniewski, Jane Dutton, Gelaye Debebe
Topic(s): Positive Meaning & Purpose
Wrzesniewski, A., Dutton, J.E., & Debebe, G. (2003). Interpersonal sensemaking and the meaning of work. In R. Kramer & B. Staw (Eds.). Research in organizational behavior, Volume 25 (pp.93-135). Oxford, England: Elsevier.
By: Lynn Perry Wooten, Patricia Crane
Topic(s): Positive Culture
Wooten, L.P., & Crane, P. (2003). Nurses as implementers of organizational culture. Nursing Economics Journal, 21, 275-279.
By: Gretchen M. Spreitzer, Scott Sonenshein
Keyword(s): Positive Deviance
Spreitzer, G.M., & Sonenshein, S. (2003). Positive deviance and extraordinary organizing. In K. Cameron, J. Dutton, & R. Quinn (Eds.), Positive organizational scholarship: Foundations of a new discipline (pp. 207-224). San Francisco: Berrett-Kohler.
By: Jane Dutton
Topic(s): Positive Relationships
Keyword(s): Engagement, High Quality Connections
Dutton, J.E. Fostering high quality connections through respectful engagement. Stanford Social Innovation Review, Winter, 54-57, 2003.
By: Rob Cross, Wayne Baker, Andrew Parker
Topic(s): Positive Culture
Keyword(s): Energy
Cross, R., Baker, W., & Parker, A. (2003). What creates energy in organizations? Sloan Management Review, Summer 2003 44(4), 51-56.
By: Kim S. Cameron
Topic(s): Positive Ethics & Virtues
Cameron, K. S. (2003). Organizational virtuousness and performance. In K. Cameron, J. Dutton, & R. Quinn (Eds.), Positive organizational scholarship: Foundations of a new discipline (pp. 48-65). San Francisco: Berrett-Kohler.
By: Wayne Baker, Rob Cross, Melissa Wooten
Topic(s): Positive Relationships
Keyword(s): Energy
Baker, W., Cross, R., & Wooten, M. (2003). Positive organizational network analysis and energizing relationships. In K. Cameron, J. Dutton, & R. Quinn (Eds.), Positive organizational scholarship: Foundations of a new discipline (pp. 328-342). San Francisco: Berrett-Kohler.
By: Susan D. Bernstein
Bernstein, S.D. (2003). Positive Organizational Scholarship: Meet the Movement. Journal of Management Inquiry, 12(3): 266-271.
By: Kim S. Cameron
Keyword(s): Change
Cameron, K.S. (2003). Organizational transformation through architecture and design. Journal of Management Inquiry, 12, 88-93.
By: Gretchen M. Spreitzer
Spreitzer, G.M. (2003). Leadership development in the virtual organization. In S. Murphy and R. Riggio (Eds). The future of leadership development (pp. 71-88). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Press.
By: Gretchen M. Spreitzer, Scott Sonenshein
Spreitzer, G.M. & Sonenshein, S. (2003). Becoming extraordinary: Positive deviance and extraordinary organizing. In K. Cameron, J. Dutton, & R. Quinn (Eds.) Positive organizational scholarship (pp. 207-224). San Francisco: Berrett Koehler Publisher.
By: Robert E. Quinn
Quinn, R.E. (2003). Ethics and fundamental decisions: The internally directed and other-focused mindset. In N. Tichy & A. McGill (Eds.), The ethical challenge: How to lead with unyielding integrity (pp. 159-170). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.