By: Verónica Caridad Rabelo, Kathrina J. Robotham, Courtney McCluney
Rabelo VC, Robotham KJ, McCluney CL. “Against a sharp white background”: How Black women experience the white gaze at work. Gender Work Organ. 2020;1–19. ET AL.-19
By: Lea Waters, Sara B. Algoe, Jane Dutton, Robert Emmons, Barbara Fredrickson, Emily Heaphy, Judith T. Moskowitz, Kristin Neff, Ryan Niemiec, Cynthia Pury, Michael Steger
Lea Waters, Sara B. Algoe, Jane Dutton, Robert Emmons, Barbara L. Fredrickson, Emily Heaphy, Judith T. Moskowitz, Kristin Neff, Ryan Niemiec, Cynthia Pury & Michael Steger (2021) Positive psychology in a pandemic: buffering, bolstering, and building mental health, The Journal of Positive Psychology, DOI: 10.1080/17439760.2021.1871945
By: Sandra A. Cha, Stephanie Creary, Laura Morgan Roberts
Keyword(s): African Americans, Black people, workplace
Cha, S.E., Creary, S.J. and Roberts, L.M. (2021), "Fumbling in relationships across difference: the potential spiraling effects of a single racial identity reference at work", Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, Vol. 40 No. 1, pp. 90-102.
By: Wayne Baker, , Ryan Quinn
Keyword(s): micro-dynamics, network evolution, positive emotion, Relationships, simulation, tradeoffs
By: Ashley Hardin, Dave M. Mayer, Christopher W. Bauman
Keyword(s): Economic schema, Financial transgressions, Photographs, Symbols, unethical behavior
By: Julia Lee Cunningham, Francesca Gino, Dan Cable, Bradley Staats
Keyword(s): RBSE, Reflected Best Self Exercise
By: Christina Bradley, Emma Seppälä, Julia Moeller, Leilah Harouni, Dhruv Nandamudi, Marc Brackett
Keyword(s): anxiety, college mental health, depression, emotional intelligence, mindfulness-based stress reduction, sky campus happiness, Sudarshan Kriya, Well-being
Seppälä EM, Bradley C, Moeller J, Harouni L, Nandamudi D and Brackett MA (2020) Promoting Mental Health and Psychological Thriving in University Students: A Randomized Controlled Trial of Three Well-Being Interventions. Front. Psychiatry 11:590. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2020.00590
Topic(s): Positive Leadership
Keyword(s): Compassion, covid-19, crisis
Garver KA, Young AM, Fessell D, Dombrowski JC. How to Be a Positive Radiology Leader in Times of Crisis [published online ahead of print, 2020 Jun 16]. Acad Radiol. 2020;S1076-6332(20)30301-9. doi:10.1016/j.acra.2020.05.022
By: David P. Fessell, Cary Cherniss
Topic(s): Positive Practices, Positive Relationships
Keyword(s): coronavirus, covid-19, deep breathing, Emotions, gratitude, micropractices, mindfulness, Well-being, wellness
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) and Beyond: Micropractices for Burnout Prevention and Emotional Wellness. Fessell, David et al. Journal of the American College of Radiology, Volume 0, Issue 0. (Article In Press)
By: Tyler J. VanderWeele, Claudia Trudel-Fitzgerald, Paul Allin, Colin Farrelly, Guy Fletcherd, Donald E. Frederick, Jon Hall, John F. Helliwell, Eric S. Kim, William A. Lauinger, Matthew T. Lee, Sonja Lyubomirsky, Seth Margolis, Eileen McNeely, Neil Messer, Louis Tay, Vish Viswanath, Dorota Węziak-Białowolska, Laura D. Kubzanskya
Topic(s): Positive Meaning & Purpose
Keyword(s): Flourishing, Happiness, life satisfaction, measurement, optimism, psychology, public health, purpose in life, surveys, Well-being
By: Lea Waters, Gabriel Strauss, Anit Somech, Nick Haslam, Denise Dussert
Topic(s): Positive Relationships
Keyword(s): leadership, positive organizational behavior, Positive Organizational Scholarship, positive psychology, psychological capital, teams
Waters, L., Strauss, G., Somech, A., Haslam, N., & Dussert, D. (2020). Does team psychological capital predict team outcomes at work? International Journal of Wellbeing, 10(1), 1-25. doi:10.5502/ijw.v10i1.923
By: , Christopher Myers, Ryan Quinn, Stefanie A. Simmons
Topic(s): Positive Culture
Keyword(s): attitudes & motivation, development & learning, job and task performance, learning theories, performance & effectiveness, social cognitive theory, training