By: Wayne Baker, Jane Dutton
Topic(s): Positive Relationships
Baker, W., & Dutton, J.E. (2007). Enabling positive social capital in organizations. In J.E. Dutton & B. Ragins (Eds.), Exploring positive relationships at work: Building a theoretical and research foundation (pp. 325-346). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
By: Gretchen M. Spreitzer
Spreitzer, G.M. (2007). Participative organizational leadership, empowerment, and sustainable peace. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 28(8), 1077-1096.
By: Gretchen M. Spreitzer
Topic(s): Positive Leadership
Keyword(s): Empowerment
Spreitzer, G.M. (2007). Giving peace a chance: Organizational leadership, empowerment, and peace. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 28, 1077-1095.
By: Aran Caza, Robert E. Quinn
Caza, A., & Quinn, R.E. (2007). The essence of transformation: Entering the fundamental state of leadership. In S.K. Piderit, R.E. Fry, & D.L. Cooperrider (Eds.), Handbook of transformative cooperation: New designs and dynamics (pp. 170-194). Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.
By: Kim S. Cameron
Cameron, K.S. (2007). Positive organizational scholarship. In S. Clegg & J. Bailey (Eds.), International Encyclopedia of Organizational Studies. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage.
By: Kim S. Cameron
Cameron, K.S. (2007). Forgiveness in organizations. In D. Nelson & C. Cooper (Eds.), Positive organizational behavior: Accentuating the positive at work (pp. 129-142). London: Sage.
By: Lynn Perry Wooten
Keyword(s): Change
Wooten, L.P. (2006). Charting a change course for effective diversity management. Human Factor, 1(2), 46-53.
By: Jane Dutton, Monica C. Worline, Peter J. Frost, Jacoba Lilius
Topic(s): Positive Culture, Positive Relationships
Keyword(s): Compassion
Dutton, J.E., Worline, M., Frost, P., & Lilius, J. (2006). Explaining compassion organizing. Administrative Science Quarterly 51(1), 59-96.
By: Gretchen M. Spreitzer, Mary Sue Coleman, Daniel A. Gruber
Topic(s): Positive Leadership
Spreitzer, G.M., Coleman, M., & Gruber, D. (2006). A POSitive approach to strategic leadership: Lessons from a university president. In R. Hooijberg, J. Hunt, K. Boal, & J. Antonakis, (Eds.), Leadership in and of organizations (pp. 155-172). Amsterdam: Elsevier.
By: Gretchen M. Spreitzer
Topic(s): Positive Leadership
Spreitzer, G.M. (2006). Leading to grow and growing to lead. Organizational Dynamics, 35(4), 305-215.
By: Seung-Yoon Rhee, Jane Dutton, Richard P. Bagozzi
Topic(s): Positive Ethics & Virtues
Rhee, S., Dutton, J.E., & Bagozzi, R. (2006). Making sense of organizational actions in response to tragedy: Virtue frames, organizational identification and organizational attachment. Journal of Management, Spirituality & Religion, 3, 34-59.
By: Robert E. Quinn, Gretchen M. Spreitzer
Topic(s): Positive Leadership
Quinn, R.E., & Spreitzer, G.M. (2006). Entering the fundamental state of leadership: A framework for the positive transformation of self and others. In R. Burke & C. Cooper. Inspiring leaders (pp. 67-83). Oxford, England: Routledge.