Relationship quality and virtuousness: Emotional carrying capacity as a source of individual and team resilience

By: John Paul Stephens, Emily D. Heaphy, Abraham Carmeli, Gretchen M. Spreitzer, Jane Dutton

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Stephens, J.P., E.D. Heaphy, A. Carmeli, G.M. Spreitzer, and J.E. Dutton. Relationship Quality and Virtuousness: Emotional Carrying Capacity as a Source of Individual and Team Resilience. The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, Vol. 49, No. 1, 13-41, 2013.


Physical activity advertisements that feature daily well-being improve autonomy and body image in overweight women but not men

By: Michelle Segar, John Updegraff, Brian Zikmund-Fisher, Caroline Richardson

Segar, M. L. Updegraff, J., Zikmund-Fisher, B., & Richardson, C. Physical activity advertisements that feature daily well-being improve autonomy and body image in overweight women but not men. Journal of Obesity, (Special Issue on Motivation, Self-regulation, and Weight Control), Article ID 354721, 19 pages.


When does procedural fairness promote organizational citizenship behavior? Integrating empowering leadership types in relational justice models

By: Marius van Dijke, David De Cremer, Dave M. Mayer, Niels Van Quaquebeke


Van Dijke, M., De Cremer, D., Mayer, D. M., & van Quaquebeke, N. (2012). When does procedural fairness promote organizational citizenship behavior? Integrating empowering leadership types in relational justice models. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 117, 24-40.
